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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • platforms • mac.ftl
From business to leisure, you should feel safe online no matter what brings you there. { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you use public wifi smarter by protecting your internet connection from hackers and internet providers looking to collect your data. Its one-click privacy is available for { -brand-name-mac-short } and { -brand-name-ios }, (as well as { -brand-name-windows } 10, { -brand-name-linux } and { -brand-name-android }), and doesn’t impact your speed. And, since it’s a VPN from { -brand-name-mozilla } with { -brand-name-wireguard }® protocol, you can trust your activity won’t be logged and your data stays yours — always.
Eñeñandúke tekorosãme ñandutípe ehecharamo’ỹre eraháva upépe, taha’e tekorei ýrõ tembiapo. { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } nepytyvõta eiporu hag̃ua Wi-Fi opavave mba’éva hekopete emo’ãvo nde jeike ñandutípe mba’evaiapoha ha ñanduti me’ẽhára ombyatyséva ne mba’ekuaarã. Ne rekoñemi peteĩ jekutúpe eiporukuaa { -brand-name-mac-short } ndive ha { -brand-name-ios }, (avei { -brand-name-windows } 10, { -brand-name-linux } ha { -brand-name-android }), ha nomboykekuaái nde pya’ekue. Ha, ha’évo VPN { -brand-name-mozilla } mba’éva { -brand-name-wireguard }® raperekoite ndive, ejeroviakuaa ne rembiapo noñeñongatumo’ãi ha ne tus mba’ekuaarã nemba’éta, opa ára.
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