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If we don’t know how the browser is performing or which features people use, we can’t make it better and deliver the great product you want. We’ve invested in building data collection and analysis tools that allow us to make smart decisions about our product while respecting people’s privacy.
Ndajaikuaáirõ mba’éichapa omba’apo kundahára, avei tembiapoite oiporúva tapichakuéra, ndaikatúi rojapo ha rome’ẽ apopyre iporãva nde reipotaháicha. Romba’apo rojapo hag̃ua tembiporu mba’ekuaarã ñembyatygua ha ñehesa’ỹijo ombohapétava apopyre ha’evéva osẽ hag̃ua ha romomba’ehápe opavave rekoveñemi.
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