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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • more • misinformation.ftl
Ultimately, both misinformation and disinformation can be harmful. It’s not only that people will believe incorrect information, false information costs the global economy a lot of money and can threaten democracy and efficient governance. And it’s difficult to stop because false news spreads significantly faster, deeper and more broadly than news that is correct.
Ohasaramóva, marandu vai avei marandu’ỹicha oporombyaikuaa. Ndaha’éi oñemoheñóiva marandu vai añónte, avei pe marandu japuguáva oiporu hetaiterei viru arapy tuichakue ha ikatu ombyai tekojoja reko ha ñemboguata porã. Ha hasyeterei ijejoko pe marandu japuguáva, iñasãi pya’etereive rupi umi marandu iporãvagui.
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