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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • features • adblocker.ftl
These ads might be loud video ads, ads that follow you around the web, trackers, third-party cookies, and more. To use an ad blocker, you can search for ad blocker add-ons that are available in your browser. <a href="{ $firefox }">{ -brand-name-firefox }</a>, for example, has <a href="{ $addons }">this list of approved ad blocker add-ons</a>. Click on this list (or ad blockers that are approved for your browser) and see which fits your needs.
Ko’ã ñemurã ikatu ha’e ta’ãngamýi ryapu maranduñemurãva, ñemurã nderapykuehóva ñandutípe, tapykuehoha, kookie mbohapyháva ha hetave. Eiporu hag̃ua maranduñemurã jokoha, ikatu eheka maranduñemurã rembiporu’i jokoha eiporukuaáva ne kundahápe. <a href="{ $firefox }">{ -brand-name-firefox }</a>, techapyrã, oguereko <a href="{ $addons }">ko tembiporu’i rysýi ñemurã jokoha moneĩmbyre</a>. Eikutu ko tysýi ( térã maranduñemurã jokoha moneĩmbyre ne kundahápe g̃uarã) ha ehecha mba’etépa pe eikotevẽva.
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