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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • mobile • ios.ftl
Now { -brand-name-iphone } and { -brand-name-ipad } users can choose their own default browser. That means you’re not stuck using { -brand-name-safari }, and your mobile browser can stay synced with your favorite desktop browser. Plus, when you set { -brand-name-firefox } as your default browser, you’re supporting an independent tech company. { -brand-name-firefox } is also the only major browser backed by a non-profit.
Ko’ág̃a { -brand-name-iphone } poruhára ha { -brand-name-ipad } oiporavokuaa ikundahára ypygua teéva. Péva he’ise ndaha’éi katuete eiporuva’erã { -brand-name-safari }, ha ne kundahára pumbyrygua oñembojuehe kundahára mohendahagua ndive. Avei, embohekóvo { -brand-name-firefox } kundahára ypyguávarõ, eipytyvõ mba’apohaguasu tembiporupyahugua ijeheguíva. { -brand-name-firefox } ha’e kundahára oykekóva chupe tendaguasu viru’ỹguáva.
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