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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • mobile • android.ftl
Got a big phone and normal sized thumbs? No problem. { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android } lets you move the search bar from the top to the bottom making it easier to use with one hand. You can also choose your own search engine within the browser, and set { -brand-name-firefox } as your default browser if you want.
¿Ereko pumbyry tuicháva ha ne kuã tuicha’ỹva? Naiñapañuáiri. { -brand-name-firefox } { -brand-name-android } peg̃uarãva omoneĩ emongu’évo jehekaha renda yvatégui yvy gotyo, ikatuhápe eiporu nde po peteĩme. Avei eiporavokuaa jehekaha mongu’eha teéva kundahára ryepýpe ha emboheko { -brand-name-firefox } ne kundahára ypyguárõ reipotárõ.
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