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Things got a little out of hand in 1997 when { -brand-name-microsoft } released { -brand-name-ie } 4.0. The team built a giant letter “e” and snuck it on the lawn of { -brand-name-netscape } headquarters. The { -brand-name-netscape } team promptly knocked the giant “e” over and <a href="{ $dino }">put their own { -brand-name-mozilla } dinosaur mascot on top of it</a>.
Pe ary 1997 jave ha’ete ku osẽnungava’ekue ñande pógui, { -brand-name-microsoft } omoheñóivo { -brand-name-ie } 4.0. Ko aty ojapo peteĩ tai tuichaitereíva “e” ha omoĩ { -brand-name-netscape } róga kapi’ipépe. { -brand-name-netscape } aty oity pya’eterei tai “e” tuichávape ha <a href="{ $dino }">omoĩ hi’ári hymbaitevoi, pe dinosaurio { -brand-name-mozilla }</a>.
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