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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • more • what-is-a-vpn.ftl
Some service providers block visits made through VPNs, making their content inaccessible when a VPN is turned on. Some VPNs can slow you down, or they might restrict your bandwidth. And some VPNs rank poorly in terms of respecting user privacy and security.
Guon tsjinstproviders blokkearje besiken dy’t fia VPN’s dien wurde, wêrtroch harren ynhâld net tagonklik is wannear’t in VPN ynskeakele is. Guon VPN’s kinne foar fertraging soargje of jo bânbreedte beheine. En guon VPN’s skoare slim wat it respektearjen fan de privacy en feilichheid fan brûkers oanbelanget.
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