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Misinformation, disinformation – you’ve probably heard these terms in the past and wondered if and how they differ in meaning. It’s the intention that distinguishes them: Misinformation is any type of false information that people might fall for. It’s verifiably incorrect or misleading but hasn’t been created or shared with the intention to deceive people. Disinformation, on the other hand, is created and spread in order to misinform and reach a certain goal.
Misynformaasje, desynformaasje – jo hawwe dizze termen wierskynlik al ris hearre en jo ôffrege wat it ferskil dertusken is. It ûnderskied sit him yn it doel: misynformaasje is elke soarte fan falske ynformaasje wêr’t minsken yn trappe kinne soene. Dizze is ferifiearber net krekt of misliedend, mar is net makke of dield mei de yntinsje om oaren te mislieden. Desynformaasje dêrtsjinoer wurdt makke en ferspraad om ferkeard te ynformearjen en in bepaald doel te beriken.
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