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Entity en-US fy-NL
Entity # all locales mail • messenger • otr • auth.ftl
Contact your intended conversation partner via some other authenticated channel, such as OpenPGP-signed email or over the phone. You should tell each other your fingerprints. (A fingerprint is a checksum that identifies an encryption key.) If the fingerprint matches, you should indicate in the dialog below that you have verified the fingerprint.
Nim kontakt op mei jo bedoele petearpartner fia in oar feilich kanaal, lykas in mei OpenPGP ûndertekene e-mailberjocht of telefoanysk. Jo moatte jo fingerôfdrukken diele. (In fingerôfdruk is in checksum dy’t in kodearringskaai identifisearret.) As de fingerôfdruk oerienkomt, jou dan yn it ûndersteande dialoochfinster oan dat jo de fingerôfdruk ferifiearre hawwe.
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