
Displaying 1 result:

Entity en-US en-US
Entity # all locales suite • chatzilla • chrome •
Sets the value of the preference named <pref-name> to the value of <pref-value>. If <pref-value> is not provided, the current value of <pref-name> will be displayed. If both <pref-name> and <pref-value> are omitted, all preferences will be displayed. If <pref-value> is a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value.
Sets the value of the preference named <pref-name> to the value of <pref-value>. If <pref-value> is not provided, the current value of <pref-name> will be displayed. If both <pref-name> and <pref-value> are omitted, all preferences will be displayed. If <pref-value> is a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value.
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