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Entity en-US dsb
Entity # all locales chat • matrix-properties.ftl
{ $commandName } <userId> [<power level>]: Define the power level of the user. Enter an integer value, User: 0, Moderator: 50 and Admin: 100. Default will be 50 if no argument is provided. Requires permission to change member’s power levels. Does not work on admins other than yourself.
{ $commandName } <userId> [<power level>]: Definěrujśo wopšawnjenski schójźeńk wužywarja. Zapódajśo cełu licbu, Wužywaŕ: 0, Moderator: 50 a Administrator: 100. Standard buźo 50, jolic argument njejo pódany. Pomina se pšawo, aby wopšawnjeńske schójźeńki cłonka změnił. Njefunkcioněrujo za administratory, mimo za was.
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