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Entity en cy
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • platforms • linux_v2.ftl
<strong>It helps restore net neutrality:</strong> { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you take back control of your online activities by preventing internet providers from throttling your bandwidth, or from blocking websites or services that they don’t like, or that compete with their own offerings.
<strong>Mae'n helpu i adfer niwtraliaeth gwe:</strong> Mae { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } yn eich helpu i adennill rheolaeth ar eich gweithgareddau ar-lein drwy atal darparwyr rhyngrwyd rhag gyfyngu ar eich lled band, neu rhag rhwystro gwefannau neu wasanaethau nad ydyn nhw'n eu hoffi, neu sy'n cystadlu â'u cynnyrch nhw.
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