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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • privacy • cookie-settings.ftl
{ -brand-name-mozilla } uses Preference Cookies to honor your preferences and improve your experience when visiting our websites. They are not used for analytics purposes. Preference Cookies support features in a similar way to Necessary Cookies, however a website can still operate without them. As such, you can choose to opt out of their use.
Mae { -brand-name-mozilla } yn defnyddio Cwcis Dewis i gadw eich dewisiadau a gwella eich profiad wrth ymweld â'n gwefannau. Nid ydynt yn cael eu defnyddio at ddibenion dadansoddeg. Mae Cwcis Dewis yn cefnogi nodweddion mewn ffordd debyg i Gwcis Angenrheidiol, fodd bynnag gall gwefan barhau i weithredu hebddynt. O'r herwydd, gallwch ddewis optio allan o'u defnydd.
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