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You may have heard about tracking primarily in the context of advertising. However, it’s also a powerful tool when it comes to the spread of false information. Why is that? When you browse the internet or your social network feed, your behavior, interests, contacts in some instances and more are tracked by various parties across websites in order to create an extremely detailed profile of you to sell to others without your knowledge or consent. These profiles are used for personalized advertising but can also serve to present any kind of targeted information to you.
Efallai eich bod wedi clywed am dracio yn bennaf yng nghyd-destun hysbysebu. Er hynny, mae hefyd yn arf pwerus o ran lledu gwybodaeth ffug. Pam hynny? Pan fyddwch yn pori'r rhyngrwyd neu'ch llif rhwydwaith cymdeithasol, mae eich ymddygiad, diddordebau, cysylltiadau mewn rhai achosion a mwy yn cael eu tracio gan wahanol bartïon ar draws gwefannau er mwyn creu proffil manwl iawn ohonoch. Bydd hwn yn cael ei werthu i eraill heb i chi wybod na rhoi eich caniatâd. Bydd y proffiliau hyn ar gyfer hysbysebu wedi'i bersonoli ond gallan nhw hefyd gyflwyno unrhyw fath o wybodaeth wedi'i thargedu i chi.
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