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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • features • fast-2024.ftl
All browsers had to make improvements in order to perform well on the new Speedometer 3 tests. { -brand-name-firefox } in particular made huge strides, <a { $link }>getting noticeably faster</a> for our users as a direct result of this work. { -brand-name-firefox } is faster than ever before, with speed you can really feel, including faster page loads and smoother interactions.
Roedd yn rhaid i bob porwr wneud gwelliannau er mwyn perfformio'n dda ar y profion Speedometer 3 newydd. Mae { -brand-name-firefox } yn arbennig wedi cymryd camau breision, <a { $link }>yn dod yn gynt o lawer</a> i'n defnyddwyr o ganlyniad uniongyrchol i'r gwaith hwn. Mae { -brand-name-firefox } yn gyflymach nag erioed o'r blaen, gyda chyflymder y gallwch ei deimlo, gan gynnwys llwytho tudalennau cyflymach a rhyngweithiadau llyfnach.
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