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{ -brand-name-mozilla }’s pre-release versions of { -brand-name-firefox } are development platforms, frequently updated with experimental features. We collect more data in pre-release than what we do after release in order to understand how these experimental features are working. You can opt out of having this data collected in preferences.
Ri nab'ey ruwäch { -brand-name-firefox } richin { -brand-name-mozilla } e runuk'uche'el k'iyirisanem, ri jutaqil yek'ex kik'in tojtob'el taq samaj. Yeqamöl k'ïy taq tzij pa ri nab'ey ruwäch chuwäch ri niqab'än chi rij ri relesaxik richin nino' pan qawi' achike rub'eyal yesamäj ri tojtob'el taq samaj ri'. Yatikïr nachüp kimolik re taq tzij re' pa taq ajowab'äl.
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