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We believe community collaboration is vital to creating an internet that is diverse, innovative, and accountable to the people who need it most. Whether you have a background in tech, community organizing, or just a computer and some free time, you can help us make the internet a better place.
Niqana'ojij chi ri ruto'ik tinamït yalan k'atzinel richin nitz'uk jun jalajöj k'amaya'l, k'ak'a' chuqa' tikisuju' kitzij chi kiwa ri winaqi' nik'atzin chi ke. Estape' k'o awetamab'al pa ruwi' na'ob'äl, runuk'ik tinamïtm, o xa xe rik'in jun kematz'ib' chuqa' jub'a' jamäl aramaj, yatikïr yojato' richin niqab'än jun ütz k'ojlib'äl chi re ri k'amaya'l.
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