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Over the last decade we have seen this promise fulfilled in many ways. We have also seen the power of the internet used to magnify divisiveness, incite violence, promote hatred, and intentionally manipulate fact and reality. We have learned that we should more explicitly set out our aspirations for the human experience of the internet. We do so now.
Ri ruk'isib'äl lajuj juna', qatz'eton nik'ulwachitäj ri nisuj pa jalajöj rub'anikil. Chuqa' qatz'eton ruchuqa' ri k'amaya'l toq okisan richin nib'an jachojri'ïl, nitikirisäx oyowal, nitalüx itzelanïk chuqa' yejalwachïx k'ulwachitajnem o k'aslemalil. Xqetamaj chi k'o ta chi niqajikib'a' ri qarayib'al richin ri retamab'al winäq pa k'amaya'l. Niqab'än wakami.
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