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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • features • adblocker.ftl
If you don’t want your online behavior used for ads, you can send websites a polite “thanks but no thanks” letter by checking the <a href="{ $url }">Do Not Track</a> option of { -brand-name-firefox }. Participation is voluntary, but the websites that participate will stop tracking you immediately.
We man nawajo' ta chi ri nab'än pa k'amab'ey tokisäx richin eltzijol, yatikïr natäq chi ke ri ruxaq “Matyox po mani matyox” rik'in ri cha'oj <a href="{ $url }">Mani Ojqanem</a> rucha'oj { -brand-name-firefox }. Man tojel ta ri to'ïk, po ri jujun taq ruxaq ajk'amaya'l ri yeto'on man xkatkojqaj ta.
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