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Entity en-US cak
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger •
The POP3 mail server (%S) does not support the TOP command. Without server support for this, we cannot implement the ``Maximum Message Size'' or ``Fetch Headers Only'' preference. This option has been disabled, and messages will be downloaded regardless of their size.
Ri POP3 ruk'uxasamaj taqoya'l (%S) man nuköch' ri TOP nuk'uj. Majun rutob'al k'uxasamaj richin re re', man yojtikïr ta niqaya' kisamaj ri taq rajowab'al ``Nïm Runimilem Tzijol'' o ``Xa xe Kekol taq Jub'i'aj''. Xchup re cha'oj re' ruma ri' ri taq rutzijol xkeqasäx xab'achike kipalem.
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