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Entity en-US cak
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger •
Unable to establish TLS connection to POP3 server. The server may be down or may be incorrectly configured. Please verify the correct configuration in the Server Settings for your mail server in the Account Settings window and try again.
Man tikirel ta nitz'et jun TLS okem pa ri POP3 k'uxasamaj. Rik'in jub'a' xtzaq ri k'uxasamaj o man ütz ta runuk'ulem b'anon. Tanik'oj ri ütz kinuk'ulem taq kicha'oj k'uxasamaj richin ri kik'uxasamaj taqoya'l pa ri rutzuwäch Kinuk'ulem Rub'i' Taqoya'l chuqa' tatojtob'ej chik.
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