
Displaying 1 result:

Entity en-US cak
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger • addressbook •
Verify that the search filter is correct, and then try again, or else contact your System Administrator. To verify that the search filter is correct, from the Edit menu, choose Preferences, then choose Mail & Newsgroups, and then choose Addressing. Click Edit Directories, and select the LDAP server being used. Click Edit, and then click Advanced to display the Search Filter.
Tinik'öx chi ütz ri ruchayub'al kanoxïk, chuqa' titojtob'ëx chik, o katzijon rik'in ri Runuk'samajel Q'inoj. Richin ninik'öx chi ri ruchayub'al kanoxïk ütz, pa ri Tinuk' k'utsamaj, tacha' Taq Ajowab'äl, k'a ri' tacha' Taqoya'l chuqa' taq Rutzijol, chi rij ri' tacha' Ochochib'äl. Tapitz'a' Kenuk' taq cholb'äl, k'a ri' tacha' ri LDAP k'uxasamaj nawokisaj. Tapitz'a' pa ri Tinuk', k'a ri' tapitz'a' pa ruwi' ri Q'axinäq richin nik'ut ri kichayub'al kanoxïk.
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