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A script from the extension “%1$S” is running on this page, and making %2$S unresponsive.\n\nIt may be busy, or it may have stopped responding permanently. You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if it will complete.
Jun rucholajem tz'ib'anïk rik'in ruk'amal “%1$S” nisamäj pa re ruxaq k'amaya'l re', chuqa' nub'än %2$S man nutzolij ta tzij.\n\nRik'in jub'a' k'o nub'än o kan man xtisamäj ta chik. Yatikïr naq'ät ri rucholajem tz'ib'anïk o tasamajij na richin natz'ët we nitz'aqät.
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