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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • privacy • faq.ftl
{ -brand-name-mozilla }’s pre-release versions of { -brand-name-firefox } are development platforms, frequently updated with experimental features. We collect more data in pre-release than what we do after release in order to understand how these experimental features are working. You can opt out of having this data collected in preferences.
{ -brand-name-mozilla } testne verzije { -brand-name-firefox }a su razvojne platforme, često ažurirane sa testnim funkcijama. Mi prikupljamo više podataka u testnim verzijama nego što to činimo kasnije nakon izdavanja u cilju boljeg razumijevanja kako ove testne funkcije rade. Možete isključiti ovo prikupljanje podataka ako želite u postavkama.
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