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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • features • fingerprinting.ftl
The latest { -brand-name-firefox } browser protects you against fingerprinting by blocking third-party requests to companies that are known to participate in fingerprinting. We’ve worked hard to enable this privacy protection while not breaking the websites you enjoy visiting. (Read more here, if you want the <a { $url_details }>technical details</a>.)
Najnoviji pretraživač { -brand-name-firefox } štiti vas od otiska prsta blokiranjem zahtjeva trećih strana prema kompanijama za koje se zna da učestvuju u uzimanju otisaka prstiju. Naporno smo radili da omogućimo ovu zaštitu privatnosti, a da pritom ne narušimo web stranice koje rado posjećujete. (Pročitajte više ovdje, ako želite <a { $url_details }>tehničke detalje</a>.)
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