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The most widely used browser performance benchmark to measure web application responsiveness is called Speedometer. While other browser benchmarks exist, Speedometer 3 is the new standard for how we measure the speed of your browsing experience. The latest tests better reflect the web of today — working with visually rich charts, editing text, interacting with complicated and heavy web pages like news sites — and it measures a full picture of the browser’s performance.
Najrasprostranjeniji benchmark performansi pretraživača za mjerenje odziva web aplikacija naziva se Speedometer. Dok postoje i drugi benchmarkovi pretraživača, Speedometer 3 je novi standard za mjerenje brzine vašeg iskustva pretraživanja. Najnoviji testovi bolje odražavaju današnji web – rad sa vizualno bogatim grafikonima, uređivanje teksta, interakciju sa komplikovanim i teškim web stranicama kao što su web stranice s vijestima – i mjeri potpunu sliku performansi pretraživača.
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