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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • faq.ftl
{ -brand-name-firefox } isn’t slow now. In 2017, we completely rebuilt our browser engine (called Quantum), to ensure { -brand-name-firefox } could compete with other major browsers. And, our tracker blockers help pages load even faster. So { -brand-name-firefox } is lightning fast without sacrificing any of your privacy.
{ -brand-name-firefox } nije spor sada. U 2017. smo u potpunosti rekonstruisali naš motor pretraživača (nazvan Quantum), kako bismo osigurali da { -brand-name-firefox } može da se takmiči sa drugim velikim pretraživačima. A naši blokatori tragača pomažu da se stranice učitavaju još brže. Dakle, { -brand-name-firefox } je munjevito brz bez žrtvovanja vaše privatnosti.
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