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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • history • browser-history.ftl
By 1993, the web exploded. Universities, governments, and private corporations all saw opportunity in the open internet. Everyone needed new computer programs to access it. That year, Mosaic was created at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign by computer scientist Marc Andreessen. It was the very first popular web browser and the early ancestor of <a href="{ $firefox }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } { -brand-name-firefox }</a>.
Do 1993. internet je naprosto eksplodirao. Univerziteti, vlade i privatne korporacije vidjeli su priliku na otvorenom internetu. Svima su bili potrebni novi kompjuterski programi za pristup. Te godine, Mosaic je kreiran u Nacionalnom centru za superkompjuterske aplikacije (NCSA) na Univerzitetu Illinois Urbana-Champaign od strane kompjuterskog naučnika Marka Andreesena. Bio je to prvi popularni web pretraživač i rani predak <a href="{ $firefox }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } { -brand-name-firefox }a</a>.
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