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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • best-browser.ftl
{ -brand-name-firefox } is offering something new to keep you safe: <a { $monitor }>{ -brand-name-mozilla-monitor }</a>. It’s a free service that will alert you if there are any public hacks on your accounts and let you know if your accounts got hacked in the past. Another neat feature is the Green Lock. It looks like a small green icon at the top left side of the browser window. If you’re on { -brand-name-firefox } and see the green lock, it means the website is encrypted and secure. If the lock is grey, you might want to think twice about entering any sensitive information.
{ -brand-name-firefox } nudi nešto novo za vašu sigurnost: <a { $monitor }>{ -brand-name-mozilla-monitor }</a>. To je besplatna usluga koja će vas upozoriti ako postoje javni hakovi na vašim računima i obavijestiti vas ako su vam računi hakovani u prošlosti. Još jedna zgodna karakteristika je Green Lock. Izgleda kao mala zelena ikona u gornjem lijevom dijelu prozora browsera. Ako ste na { -brand-name-firefox } i vidite zelenu bravu, to znači da je web stranica šifrovana i sigurna. Ako je brava siva, razmislite dvaput o unosu osjetljivih podataka.
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