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Entity en-US br
Entity # all locales android_l10n • mozilla-mobile • android-components • components • browser • errorpages • src • main • res • values • strings.xml
<ul> <li>The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because this website requires a secure connection.</li> <li>The issue is most likely with the website, and there is nothing you can do to resolve it.</li> <li>You can notify the website’s administrator about the problem.</li> </ul>
<ul> <li>N’haller ket skrammañ ar bajenn a glaskit gwelet dre ma vez goulennet ur c’hennask diogel gant al lec’hienn.</li> <li>Ar gudenn a zo gant al lec’hienn moarvat, ha n’eus netra a c’hallit ober.</li> <li>Gallout a rit kemenn ardoer al lec’hienn ez eus ur gudenn.</li> </ul>
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